APRIL 14, 2020

Here's some feel good news everyone can enjoy: I had 28 to mail out to places in Milwaukee. That's right, our campaign has left Illinois! I get to the post office and I see someone from my gym and we started chatting as the guy starts processing my parcel. As I'm describing what I'm mailing out to my gym bro, the post office worker pipes up, "how can I buy some of those? I've been wearing a mask so much my ears are bleeding. And my sister works in a hospital, I know hers are rubbed raw." So I told him I'd be back in 15 minutes, dashed home, took 15 from a package I'm mailing to Detroit tomorrow, wrote down my contact info, sanitized them all, drove back, and handed it to this complete stranger. He was so appreciative! We couldn't talk long as customers arrived, but I hope he can spread the word and I can help out whoever he passed my info onto! Little moments like that really brighten my day, I hope it did for yours too!

Pictured is 7000 of the 19000g of PLA I ordered. Each one of those spools can make around 250 ear savers each. I am waiting for the additional printer to get here so I can really start pumping out more, but patience, good things come to those who wait, all that good stuff. Fingers crossed it's sooner than later!!


APRIL 15, 2020


APRIL 13, 2020 P2