APRIL 18, 2020
Another awesome and productive day for the campaign, the second printer is finally here!!! Right now it is upgrading itself with some 3D Printed components (how cool is it that a stock machine can print mods for itself and no longer be called stock!) Meanwhile, the MakerBot finished around another hundred prints today. I didn't have a chance to go to the post office and make one delivery, so tomorrow it looks like I'm shipping 3. One to a dialysis clinic in Georgia, another to Texas Children's, and the last one to Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital. 180 total, while sitting on 149.
I also did some math and it looks like I average 1 print every 80 minutes. 80.80321 to be exact but no one is checking my math. This might seem trivial but it helps me project when requests can be finished in a timely manner. Yes, I did have a few prints 72 minutes apart, but that means I'm not changing the color, a piece of plastic hasn't cooled and jammed in the reservoir, the print hasn't come loose and requires a wipe down and a restart.
Thanks again to health care staff for kicking butt, and thanks to all the donors for keeping this ship afloat! I look forward to updating everyone on how well the new printer preforms tomorrow!