MAY 27, 2020

A few bits of good news today! I woke up with a text from my cousin in Virginia saying his police department was gifted some ear savers over the weekend, so he donated my donation to a local hospital and even snapped me a picture of the staff. He said they were elated to be gifted them!

Then I went on a delivery run to drop off two sets of 250 to two heads of their departments at Lutheran General Hospital. On my way back, I was messaged through WeMakeThings3D on Facebook from a gentleman in Corpus Christi, Texas asking for aid. He heard about the campaign though the Nursing home I dropped 185 off at last week which is SUPER COOL! I think that is the first out of state request I've gotten from someone I don't know personally, through a friend of a friend/family, or I haven't reached out to first.

I packed up the Texas request, went to the post office, and dropped off another 75 for them. One of the guys there, Alan, has been distributing them for me to his family who are in the medical field and making sure his coworkers wear their masks.

Lastly, we are on track to hit 10,000 prints in 50 days. That is insane!!! Averaging 200 a day when the first 2 weeks I was doing under 100 daily, had a printer down for two weeks, and all the maintenance issues I've been dealing with, it seems like I need to give myself more credit and get off my own case for a while and just embrace this upcoming accomplishment.

Stay safe out there, Memorial day weekend was absolutely crazy. It looks like a second wave might be coming sooner than we expected *smh* but stay smart. Stay inside. Wash your hands. I love you all for reading this and following my journey with me!



MAY 28, 2020


MAY 26, 2020