A Failed Plan

Or A New Direction

Why do people buy brand name products that are objectively on par with other similar products? How do Louis Vuitton, Supreme, Nike, etc sell a shirt or shoes for hundred of dollars, when it only costs a handful of dollars, if that, to make. Because it has a name. I set out to provide that name, that premium, unique product for as many people as I could.

During the beginning of the pandemic, I had someone from Postmates reach out to me to design some customized ear savers for their drivers. This was the original samples I sent their way: ne with their name, and the other with their logo. It printed in a single color, though I would learn shortly after that I could change my color between prints and modify the height on my printer so it could layer multiple prints on top of each other.

Uber bought postmates shortly after I sent my designs out, but as one door closed, I forced another door open: these are the fruits of my labors.


Polish Ear Saver