MAY 10, 2020

Happy Mothers day to all the women that brought us into the world, and can take us out. Here are some awesome updates! Right off the bat, WE SMASHED THE 5000 MARK AND HIT 5100 TOTAL PRINTS!!! This is another huge mile stone, and we're over a third of the way to my initial goal of 13,500. The printers have run over 600 prints with 1081 print hours. I'm going to have over 750 ear savers to deliver tomorrow, sitting on top of 694 at the moment. Lastly is a graph breaking down how I have used everyone's contributions. Labeled for ease of comprehension. My books will always be 100% open to anyone who wants to ask. I intend to keep this campaign non-profit so keeping the 'investables' slice to a minimum while sending aid to as many people and places is the main objective.

I hope you all had a wonderful day, especially all the mothers, expecting mothers, grandmothers, GREAT grand mothers, and women who plan to become mothers once this pandemic is behind us. I thank you all, once again, for your time, donations, and continued support, and I look forward to bringing you more updates that put a smile on your face and keep your heart light.



MAY 11, 2020


MAY 9, 2020