MAY 9, 2020

Today was an awesome day with lots of great news!!!

1. Nearly 300 were printed today making it the new personal best so far at 293!

2. A total of 725 were shipped to 3 states including a new one meaning 20% of the states have gotten aid from us! 500 went to California's St. Joseph's Hospital., 50 went to support Kalamazoo, Michigan's reopening restaurants and 175 went to Lakepoint Nursing Home in our newest state, Kansas.

3. We broke 4500, and are on par to smash 5k by the end of Mother's Day!

This weekend I will be printing stock to send out to Northwestern Streeterville, and reaching out to Arizona. Stay safe, stay inside, and stay strong!


MAY 10, 2020


MAY 7, 2020